We are located at:
3270 - 28 Kingsview Road SE, Airdrie, AB
The building has a red and white striped design. We are the building straight in front of you when you pull into the parking lot (Sundog Studios in the window) (above and to the right of Minute Man Press). Please park in front, and enter in the doors in the centre of the building (building 3000). The door should be propped open, or may require a bit of a pull. Please take the stairs (door on the left), or take the elevator up (the elevator is very slow, don't panic). Once on the second floor, we are the last unit on the right side, at the end of the hall.
If you have any problems don't hesitate to message the artist directly and we can guide you in.
We are looking forward to having you at the studio!
Have a questions? Let's Connect!